The Literacy & Learning Center’s after-school program is back up and running thanks to Highlands United Methodist Church for their generosity in making it possible.

During the extreme temperatures of the holiday season, a pipe in the TL&LC office ceiling froze and burst leaving staff members to walk into work the next morning to several inches of water, and a steady continuation in the Kindergarten through 1st grade section of the building.
“We are most grateful to Bryson’s for the industrial flood water vacuum, and especially to Terry Watson for operating it until all of the water was removed, without which we may still be bailing out,” said Executive Director Bonnie Potts.
The pipe has finally been fixed, but additional frozen pipes have been identified, caused by flood damage to the HVAC system. The flooring has been removed, and still to be determined is which walls will have to be torn down and rebuilt. All of that said, TL&LC is still some time away from an estimated project completion date.
Meanwhile, Highlands United Methodist Church has generously offered their old fellowship hall for TL&LC to hold After-school Enrichment, Homework Helpers and Reading Bootcamp programs. Students began attending Monday, January 23 and it has been a joy to be back with them after the unexpected hiatus.
The Literacy & Learning Center partners with a number of generous local organizations for their After-school Enrichment program including The Bascom, HCLT, Highlands Biological Station and Nature Center, IFC, and others. Due to the temporary arrangements, these activities are postponed until TL&LC is able to return to their building.
Individual tutoring has also been reinstated and we are grateful to our volunteers who have returned. As most know, the winter season on the plateau quiets down when many of our supporters return to their primary homes. If you or a friend are interested in volunteer opportunities and would like to work with a student for reading, math or both, please contact us at (828) 526-0863 or email Caroline Cox at